Milford Federation of Paraprofessionals
Union Meeting Minutes
Parsons Government Building
Opened Meeting 4:05 p.m.
Board members reports:
SECRETARY – JODY – Reading of the minutes from 2/8/24 Motion accepted by Heather Forlenzo 2nd Ellen Caroline Ferri
TREASURER: Collean— Checking: $6,718.76 Savings: $20,013.57 Total: $26,732.33
Colleen discussed paras retiring and writing them checks.$ coming out for the end of the year party.
$613.00 pd to payroll company
$1000.00 paid to accountant for filing 990
Vicki asked if payroll company is able to file 990 instead of us paying accountant
Collean heard nothing from union re: per capita
Treasurers report accepted by Vicki OConnor and 2nd by Ellen Connors
Total of 143 paras, 4 schools still with no representation
Mary announced her retirement as of Sept 6th
accepted by Deb Guylas and 2nd Heather Forlenzo
PRESIDENT: Teddy – Let everyone know website was updated and also with para of the year.
Announced that Gail White said she will fill in to Mary’s spot of VP
SECRETARY (JODY) cast one vote for the board. Accepted by paras in attendance
Professional development Monday August 26 (wed is first day) bldg reps to let paras know
If you cannot attend you need to use personal time
If you attend you will get paid.
Discussed stipend letters and end of the year assignments, letters should be received by last day of school.
Summer school stipends - claim was $22.00 hr but contract states our hourly pay. Its grievable if paras dont get their hourly pay.
Proposed a change in stipend for officers for upcoming year and bldg reps in 3rd year
Vicki asked about other unions and Ted discussed what has happened in the past.
End of the year get together May 23 @ Citrus and honor 7 retirees.
DEB G - SUNSHINE 2 cards sent out and 1 received from Ted
Accepted by Maria Bradley and 2nd by Heather Forlenzo